Monday Reflections of the Weekend

What a great Blogging weekend.....and family time and FUN.
Friday began with the Friday Fashion Fiesta from Big Mama. I met so many new faces. AND HAD so many visitors. Big Mama, you a a ratings BOOSTER!
Storms and hail on Friday afternoon left everything smelling fresh, wonderful and fragrant...and oh , so green. We went out to dinner and took a nice drive, seeing many power outages and some storm damage. No tornadoes, THANK GOD.

Saturday was a nice morning- read gnome hunt clues, went to a baseball game, more clues and gnome hunting.......FUN FUN FOUND! Hewy is good for the visitors too! 2 record days !
Hewy Tucker Penhale - the name suggested by blog visitors-the gnome now resides in my flower bed by the front porch.

We went to church and out to Sunday lunch yesterday and then had a nice quiet afternoon in the house- covered in a blanket since it is BLACKBERRY WINTER.

---A (mainly Southern) term used to describe a brief period of cold weather that coincides with the time the blackberries are in bloom---
That is what my grandmother used to call the last winter snap of the springtime.
With the storms on Friday, the cold front hit us and we went form 80 to 33 over the weekend......

On another gnome note-
Hewy-- and other Gnomers- my aunt, JoE Gnomemaster- who lives a little north of here is jealous of our fun. She started a gnome hunt of her own for the family. She and my favorite first cousin are game players and gnome lovers as well. She even started a blog for its occasion. She is serving up some of my great-grandmother's recipes- homemade chocolate pie and our family's favorite DUMPLING meal to the winner. I may have to take a road trip to participate- since my daughter and I have experience. GAME ON!
I am not the cook- but I would be willing to learn if it meant I could make those pies.
My mother is visiting this week and I may try to get her to help me make a pie while she is here. I may even hunt up the recipe and post it here....although it is a pinch of this and that kind of thing. I know the pies will always be better if someone else makes them.
They are SO WONDERFUL. My brother and I fight over them at Thanksgiving.
I usually win.
At pie war and gnome hunts.
Family: Take note.

Blackberry photos courtesy of


Emmalee said…
We'll see about that...
Oh, that sounds fun. What is her blog address, it is public, so we can read on the fun and get some great recipes?
Anonymous said…
Cute blog- I luv BON JOVI too!
I have even gotten my 12 year old son hooked on them too!