American Idol, Rainy Days and Stuff

Well, it has been a yucky cold, rainy day- a perfect "Pajama Day" for my daughter and me. My mother came up to stay a few days and had to drive back to Gulf Shores in the rain. I sure am gonna miss her, and so are the kids. No matter how old you are, it is always nice to have your mother come and take care of you. She has all my laundry done, played Power Ranger with Sally, took Fred to Tae Kwon Do and kept me company in my drugged state.
I had a small medical procedure on Tuesday and she came to help me recover. She asked was ok and ready for her to leave. I should have said NO!

This is the first time ever we have watched American Idol. My son and I have enjoyed it. I was more impressed with the women overall than the men.
I think that there are a few standouts.
We liked Michael Johns best of the male performances.
And I did not want to like Brooke White because she seems so DINGY, but her performance was good. Lots of the female performances stood out, so I do not have a favorite yet.
My pick to go tonight is: Garrett Haley and Luke Menard for the men and Kady Malloy and Joanne Borgello ...or possibly Amy Davis for the Women. (What was with her HAIR?)

I am loving Simon. He is so funny.
We will see how close I get. We called and voted....
I am enjoying Idolmania!!!

Update: I had to miss the American Idol results show tonight.
My son had a program at HIS. Being the good mother that I am, I went.
Nice program. Nice turnout.

I do not know if it compared to American Idol....but my son was excited about it and he did a great job!
This is why I do not start watching anything on really messes me up if I miss it. Why I didn't record it.....I will never know.
The only show I am truly addicted to and can say I "watch" ----until now and Idol---
is Grey's Anatomy and I can't wait for it to start back up. I read today that it will air in April for 5 new shows.....Finally.
