Favorite Spot and Five For Friday

Friday Favorite Spot

Snorkeling and Diving

Grand Cayman Island

I LOVE the water!!!
I think I could be a pirate and move here.
This was our 2nd trip to Grand Cayman and this time we took the chilldren- who adored it as much as we did.
Sun, Umbrella Drinks, shopping, pirate adventures, Hard Rock Cafe, amazing tropical fish in sparkling blue water.






Five For Friday

1. Count your blessings and tell your children you love them... Maybe your spouse too. Make plans to attend a church of your choice with the ones you love this Sunday. Count your blessings again.--- I know this is actually 3.

2. Take 15 minutes alone and quiet to reflect on your life. I am sure it will turn out better than you think. If it does, say a prayer of thanksgiving. If it doesn't, think about how you can change things to make them better.

3. Write 3 funny things in your children's baby book or scrapbook. We forget way too quickly.

4. Look up your favorite song lyrics online. Print them out. Sing!!! Post them for all to see!! If you are like me, you have many favorites and choosing may be difficult.

5. Google someone you haven't seen in a long time. You may just find them.
