Celebrating Life

My grandmother lived the longest, fullest, healthiest, happiest life of anyone I have ever know.
What a legacy she left to all of us.
I never saw her without a smile on her face and something to do with her day.
I am sure the smile on her face is huge today as she looks down on her 4 kids, 11 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren.
We celebrated her 95th birthday with her several months ago.
Today, we celebrate her life.


Bama Belle said…
May your family always feel her love wrapped around you. I am sorry for her passing, we will be praying for all of you
j said…
Prayers for your family. It sounds like you were so blessed by her.
MY most sincere condolances. Indeed, though a celebration of a long life...and I can just imagine the celebration in heaven.
With love, L