How Not To Look Old- by Charla Krupp

Fashion-and-style expert Charla Krupp is not one to beat around the bush....
"Aging sucks," she declares in her bestselling new book, How Not to Look Old: Fast and Effortless Ways to Look 10 Years Younger, 10 Pounds Lighter, 10 Times Better.
Her book is like 10 issues of Glamour all wrapped up in hardback copy- which the author used to work for, by the way.
Her favorite quote in the book is from designer,Isaac Mizrahi:
"Do you want to look 70? Get a facelift."

"People think, I'll just go under the knife and I'll look younger. That's not the answer, because if you have a bad facelift and you look like you had a facelift and your skin is tight and you look like a frozen monkey, you're going to look old! You're going to look old enough to have a facelift, because young people don't look like that. So we have to find the perfect balance of doing something to get rid of our wrinkles and lines and sagginess — but we can't go overboard, because it doesn't work that way", says Charla.
So her book is full of many ways ot to look like an OL- old lady,
but remain looking Y&H- young and hip
without visiting the plastic surgeon.....
Awww...there goes my 40th birthday wish!

She is quick to point out what NOT to do either so as not to look ridiculously young and silly like tube tops, ankle bracelets, nameplate necklaces, tie-dye and tattoos.
Some of which I need to get rid I can't.
( No, I really do not have a tube top.... but love my tie-dyed Hard Rock shirt!)
She is however, obviously, a Yankee, because she said get rid of Flip Flops......but just in the city.

She also has a top 25 list of items that must go in your wardrobe, ranging from reinforced-toed panty hose and holiday sweaters to photo handbags and mommy necklaces.
I have a few items on the list as well, but tend to agree with most all of them.
Especially the granny panties, shirts with shoulder pads and overalls.... and, well holiday sweaters.

The chapters in the book begin with diagnosing your maintenance level. Then on each chapter, she has a list of ways to look younger on the chapter's subject- based on if you are high, medium or low maintenance.
I, of course, am high.

From "Cut Some Bangs", to "Lose the Heavy Eyeliner" to "Unmatch your Wardrobe", the chapters are informative, with lots of pictures and easy to do suggestions.
Even better, there is a shopping guide with her requests at the end, and all of the items are not designer expensivce stuff, but stuff she has actually tried and proven herself.
I love this book and am going to use the Brilliant Buys suggestions to help me look younger.
I may not throw away my tye dies shirts, but I will use the jean buying guide and the makeup tips for sure.....and will steer clear of Tube tops.
And when you see me next time....
I will look 30.

And if you want to borrow my book, let me know.

Next my book review series.....

More great beauty tips from Bobbi Brown- in Living Beauty.

More of my free gifts from Valerie and Hatchette books..........


I'd love to borrow it.
I have an ankle bracelets and tie-dyes I too willnot part with.
I do not have holiday sweaters, photo bags,pantyhose or granny panties. I hope no granny jewelry...

I love the show what not to wear. That books sounds similar.
Great review.
Btw I like to watch her on the today show and regis and kelly. always good advice
Anonymous said…
What is a mommy necklace?
I have a Fudpuckers Tie dye and I love it! It's a keeper!
Charnita said…
I have an ankle bracelet I got in Mexico that I love- that I am keeping as well. pink and black shells.
The book says a Mommy necklace is one that has kids on it....which makes look you old.
I have one of these with little children with my kids birthstones, which I love too.
I have a few of the things she says are for the old and a few that are for the too young!
Anonymous said…
I just got one of those silver necklaces with my kid's names engraved on the charms- I also have a flower charm and a pearl- I was gonna be mad if she had said that was out of style cause I just got it- Those are the rage here!
They have them on ETSY if you don't know what I am talkin about-