Home is Where Your Story Begins: Welcome to Mine!
Welcome. Our Story Begins here- at Home.
As the holiday season creeps in upon us, I want to share our holiday spirit. When I had no children in my home, my holiday spirit was formal, full of crystal and breakables obsessively in perfect order.
Now that the joy of my children is breathing in and out of every corner of my home, their presence has made my holiday home much merrier. Every year my holiday treasures grow with memories of good times and love shared.
Home is, truly where your story begins!

Each year we add a new ornament for each of them to the tree, most of the time a photo is included- you know me! My step mom made each child a tiny crochet bear with their initials and correct eye color when they were born. They hang perfectly beside the 2005 PJ pic.-
Each year we add a new ornament for each of them to the tree, most of the time a photo is included- you know me! My step mom made each child a tiny crochet bear with their initials and correct eye color when they were born. They hang perfectly beside the 2005 PJ pic.-
Included now are years of pictures, cutout red power rangers and Christmas lists made on a spool. Things I would have hung on back of the tree in a previous life.
Now I display the hand print snowman ornament, Veggie Tales on a sled and the mitten made of foam proudly in the most prominent of spots!
The tree and my home are a great mixture of things from my childhood tree and Christmas memories. Check back in in the days to come for some more of my Christmas festivities.
Happy Thanksgiving!