Weekend Report: 95 yrs old and Skating
I took a trip back to my hometown Sunday in honor of my grandmother's birthday.
95th birthday to be exact!
The leaves on the mountain were beautiful and it was quite chilly.
It was great to see my family and celebrate a beautiful day and a beautiful occasion.

This is Baby girl and my brother's middle child with their great-grandmother!
And my brother, Dad, sister neice and me with the Birthday girl!
95th birthday to be exact!
The leaves on the mountain were beautiful and it was quite chilly.
It was great to see my family and celebrate a beautiful day and a beautiful occasion.
My MawMaw is my only living grandparent. She celebrated her 95th birthday with almost all her family. Her daughter and 2 living sons, all but one of her 11 grandchildren, lots of great-grandchildren , and even 2 great-great grandchildren. My PawPaw and Uncle Merle passed away several years back, but MawMaw is still spry.
She lived alone until she was 93 and then sold her home and moved to an assisted living facility. She didn't like it at first because she said "all those elderly people who lived around her could not do anything" and she had to take care of them all. She is older than any of them there!
She had lived in her little 2 bedroom home with large yard until then, but was not really able to take care of if or herself fully, so she had agreed when that happened, she would move on. She also took her keys away from herself in her 80's when she scared herself driving. MawMaw is soft spoken, not very talkative and likes to stay only a short time around people--her party only lasted one hour!
She played harmonica solos at church until recently and is a real character.
Although not as alert as she used to be, really the only thing wrong with her is her hearing, especially in large groups. I have tried to get as many stories from MawMaw about her childhood as I could while we are still blessed enough to have her here.
And my brother, Dad, sister neice and me with the Birthday girl!
And no, the 95 year old didn't skate. My kids did.
We made it back to home just in time for littleman's end of the year football skating party and baby girl skated for the first time. Big brother and friends helped her around the ring and it was SOOOO cute.
A busy day, but a great one spend with family and friends.
But still, what an amazing woman! There is much to celebrate with such an apparently spunky and healthy woman.
Happy Birthday to her!
Happy Birthday to your MawMaw!