American Idol- and Drugs- Part 2

I posted previously about taking medication and dreaming weird dreams about Idol.

Well, last week, while hospitalized, I had another American Idol experience with drugs involved.
I was in severe pain and on heavy IV pain medications. I had been resting comfortably in a room since Monday night, and on Tuesday, my sister came to sit with me.
My sister is the absolute best hospital sitter you can ask for- but I am sure the hospital staff hates her tremendously.
While they were taking good care of me, it is never good enough for Sis.
Especially when I was resting, minding my own business, in a room with 2 beds- all alone.
When suddenly, a commotion erupted.
Another patient was brought in.

.....Let me digress here to say that after arriving in the ER, lying on a table for some 5 hours, and finally being transferred to a Express Admit room- I was greeted by a 90 year old lady IN A BONNET that I was sharing my suite with --who kept asking me for a mirror in my purse so that she could see who she was because she didn't know !!!!!....

So back to Tuesday and my next new roommate......
This lady- loudly whining after thyroid surgery- was wheeled into my room with 6- yes 6 family members.
A sheet curtain was pulled for my privacy.
Yes, with HIPPA Laws, you would think a sheet standing between talk of my bowels and 6 family members to a thyroid patient would be some kind of violation!!

The family started complaining that it was hot. The window air conditioner was on my side of the room and OFF. I was chilled by fever and wrapped in a warm blanket.
My sister was furious, loudly voicing her dismay to the nurses concerning our need for a private room immediately. She stormed to the nurses station several times.
Now, I was watching the time and counting the minutes until IDOL. (Although I do not see how....)

On her way out the door, I yelled-
"Make sure these people are out of here by the time American Idol starts!".
She informed the nurses once again, that I had much pain medication and phenergan as well- and still the family from hell would not let me rest.
Shortly thereafter, the Thyroid family was moved out of MY room to their own.
Just in time for a dreamy, drug-laced version of Idol.
Oh well, maybe Kristy Leigh Cook sounded better that way.

*** I do have to say that last night was a good Idol- with no drugs.
My David Cook was only lukewarm, and I hate to say it, but I thought Kristy Leigh Cook did well for once.
I think Carly has to go, or Syesha one.
I am off to see Idol Gives Back.
Idol and Brad Pitt-- who could ask for more???
