Emm Nanny is Blogger

"@#$*% - I'm obsessed. I can't stop blogging. And I don't care if anyone reads it. I just MUST blog. Must make lists. Must put things in order. Can't stop!"

I have been wanting Emm Nanny to blog because we are kindred spirits in many ways:
in our love for writing, music and our slightly crazy clearly genetic abnormalities.

We love a good gnome hunt, word puzzles, American Idol.....chocolate.....

So Emm has started a blog.
She is hosting our 2nd Family gnome hunt from the blog-- and let me tell you, it is competitive!!!
She is obsessed with top 10 lists (for the moment) and many other things.
Music is a passion of hers, as well as the Sim Soap I already told you guys about.
She links her top 10 lists to music videos on You Tube- so I am learning new songs and reliving old favorites I had forgotten.

So head on over to EmmNanny's blog, especially if you are a 80's and 90's music lover...
leave a comment and encourage her......
but DO NOT HELP MY AUNT JO IN the gnome hunt.

I want funny stories, Nanny cams, more lists.....
Let's feed her obsession.
So she can be addicted to blogging like the rest of us.

