Cold Snap?

There is a cold snap in the air this morning.  
Well, cold by Alabama standards.  
I think it may be 65 degrees!
One of my favorite travel spots so far will show you a cold snap, An honest to goodness COLD SNAP.  
When I awoke one morning in Lake City, Colorado.  
It was -3. 
Alabama friends.  
-3 degrees Fahrenheit.
Did you even know that that was meteorologically possible?

Furthermore, some places I went had 203 total inches of snow for the season.
We went outdoors- all day . And did not die.
Folks told me that it did not "feel" that cold in Colorado before I went and I thought they were just crazy, but I am afraid there was a whole bunch of truth to that.  I was told it had something to do with humidity and barometric pressure.  There's a lot more sunshine, which reflects off all the snow and the air is much drier- so the cold temperatures are not as bone chilling as they are in a more humid climate.
I was able to get out and enjoy the beautiful Colorado sites in the DEAD of January winter.

Friends of ours have a house in Lake City, Colorado.
If you have never heard of Lake City, neither had I, until we went there and stayed at their home that they so graciously offered. The official website is if you would like to read more.

It is a beautiful, peaceful place to awake to 3 inches of new fallen snow and a herd of deer.

I think what got me, southern gal, the most, is that life continues on in this weather.  People worked.  
Children went to school. 
People drove!
I mean, coming from a place where snow flurries shut down the roads,
I was amazed that we drove
on this!!!   Heading up the mountain to Engineer Pass- The road was  finally closed 5 miles up.

I am standing in the middle of the road.  Do you see a road????

We traveled over to Crested Butte one day that boasted 203 inches for the season. It is a ski resort town.  I didn't ski or there would be a picture of me in traction inserted about HERE.

Did you even know that it could snow that much?
We drove a jeep. I mean my MountainMan drove.  I would not even fathom driving on these curvy, high roads with NO GAURD RAILS at all, especially in feet of snow.
The snow chains were in the back and we never had to even use them.  I was amazed. I also was amazed  that my Mississippi boy could navigate so well in the snow. Who knew?

We rented snow-mobiles and had a guided tour of the Continental Divide.  If you do not know, and I didn't, the Continental Divide "divides" all the watersheds that drain into the Pacific Ocean from those river systems that drain into the Atlantic Ocean (including those that drain into the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea).   It follows the Rocky Mountains a great distance in Colorado.
Yes, that distance says 10,898 feet.  We did go higher!

We rode those snow mobiles all day.  And just let me tell you.  There is nothing more exhausting than digging your snow mobile out of 4 feet of snow because you  took a slight diversion from the trail and got it stuck. The quote 'Where there is no trail, Make your own" DOES not apply to snowmobiling.

My retired military guide helped me the first time.
He also helped the 2nd.
After that, he instructed me on the finer points of un-sticking a snowmobile. At low oxygen levels up around 13,000 feet.... I was too exhausted to eat my sack lunch. But I do believe it was the most fun I have ever had.

We stopped back by Lake San Cristobal.
My honey is standing smack dab in the middle of it-Completely frozen!   
( The lake, not my husband!  Although with that lake wind, it was the only time I was miserably cold.)
Residents were driving their pick-up truck out on the lake to ice fish.

 If you are looking for a place for some winter adventure, check out Lake City Colorado.

 Ice sculptures stay for months! Even right by fire pits.  Now that.  Is. Cold.

 If you wake up in Alabama to a cold snap this morning and can still wear your flip-flops.... You know you are NOT in Colorado. 

Even this Southern girl loved Colorado and I am sure you will too.


Robyn Abney said…
NICE!....Glad to see you are back to blogging...enjoy reading them! Love you!