Chance for a Cure Fundraiser

Nothing should be done because of pride or thinking about yourself.
Think of other people as more important than yourself.
Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
Phil 2:3-4

Chance for a Cure in China

We have had so many fundraisers at my son's school that I have not even tried to do any of them after the walkathon- which we donated a TON for.
No cookies, coupon books- nothing.
But today his school sent home a Service Project-

A teacher at his school's 35 year old husband has a rare disease- Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA).
He is already losing his ability to walk and talk.
The school is helping them to raise part of the $40,000 that is needed for his treatment expenses, which he must travel to CHINA to get. I did a little research and found that a scientist has had success in reversing some of the effects with fruit fly DNA!
This treatment may help him regain his motor skills and has helped many others in the past.
There is no cure.....
He is a high school teacher as well at a school in Bessemer.

I was so touched by my son's concern for the family- he knows their daughter.
It made me cry when he talked about seeing her at recess and saying she was not even acting sad- he said it made him very sad to think of how strong she was being.
This couple is younger than me and have kids the exact same age as both of mine!!

So- If you would like to help in raising money, please contact me via email.
I have sent the information to all the people in my address book and have gotten over a hundred dollars donated in a matter of minutes.
I have been taking PayPal or getting checks mailed to me .
I have had donations from family and friends in Louisiana, Indiana and several from my home town just today.
There are 750 kids at the school and just think if they
could all get $100 turned in from each child- !!!!

One of the most important qualities we can teach our children is to love others and have a compassionate heart. .........
