Favorite Spot Friday- Webkinz World

Webkinz World!!!
Where else can you play roulette, slot machines, Mah Jong, buy things, mine gems and plant a garden ?

Although, due to my obsessive compulsive disorder, I am banned by husband from ever buying another Webkinz pet. The picture of my beanie baby collection shown below, circa 1997, BEFORE I EVEN HAD KIDS- but was collecting for my niece- is evidence as to why. I guess he could be right on this one.
(Who does this?????)
(Never give me a checklist. I will complete it.)
(Oh, honey, they will be valuable one day!)
(Somewhere in Tampa, A GoodWill attendant got 3 lawn and leaf bags full as a hefty donation and made lots of fun of me.)
There are more stories I could tell about beanies- but I will save them for another day I wish to embarrass myself.
