Mute Monday: Energy


Anonymous said…
Nobody beats a tot for energy! Great MM!
h said…
That's pretty awesome. It flows and it's in synch. Happy Mute Monday!
Good call, great picture! I can;t keep up with my grandson - energy is wasted on the young, as they say!! Happy MM!!
Karen said…
I'll echo Kate here and say that nothing screams energy like a toddler. I had two of them at once and my house regularly looked like a tornado had swept through.

Happy Mute Monday.
Big Shamu said…
You know I toyed with the idea as kids/energy for my theme but dang it, all the pictures of kids I could find were blurry. No camera is fast enough to stop their action.
Happy Mute Monday.
moi said…
Nicely done. Reminds me of those early photographic series of running horses and people. Happy MM!
Bunny said…
If only we could harness the energy of toddlers and pre-schoolers!

Happy MM!
sparringK9 said…
how cool! its like the eadward muybridge energy child! make that into a flip book!