July Is Cell Phone Etiquette Month

  • July is National Cellphone Courtesy Month - an event Jacqueline Whitmore founded with the intent to encourage the increasingly unmindful corps of cellphone users to be more respectful of their surroundings by using some simple cellphone etiquette principles.

  • Let your voicemail take your calls when you’re in meetings, courtrooms, restaurants or other busy areas. If you must speak to the caller, use the e-mail or text messaging feature or excuse yourself and find a secluded area.Send a message.
  • Speak in your regular conversational tone and don’t display anger during a public call. Speaking loudly or showing emotion may distract those around you. avoid CELL YELL.
  • Use your vibrate function or turn off your phone in public places such as movie theaters, religious services, restaurants, etc. Many wireless phones now have environmental settings that automatically adjust the phone and its features so you do not disrupt your surroundings.
  • If you are expecting a call that can’t be postponed, alert your companions ahead of time and excuse yourself when the call comes in; the people you are with should take precedence over calls you want to make or receive.
  • Avoid interrupting meetings, social gatherings or personal conversations by answering your wireless phone or checking your voicemail. Discreetly excuse yourself if you must take the call.
  • Use discretion when discussing private matters or certain business topics in front of others. You never know who is within hearing range.
  • When walking and talking on your wireless phone, be aware of your surroundings and remember to respect the rights of others.
  • Practice wireless responsibility while you are driving. Place calls when your vehicle is not moving. Don’t make or answer calls while in heavy traffic or in hazardous driving conditions. Use a hands-free device in order to help focus attention on safety. And always make safety your most important call.
  • Follow the rules. Some places, such as hospitals or airplanes, restrict or prohibit the use of mobile phones, so adhere to posted signs and instructions. Some jurisdictions may also restrict mobile phone use in public places.
  • Watch and listen discreetly. New multimedia applications such as streaming video and music are great ways to stay informed and access the latest entertainment. However, adjust the volume based on your surroundings in much the same way that you would adjust your ringer volume. Earphones are a great way to avoid distracting others in public areas.
  • Alert silently. When using your phones walkie-talkie feature, send the person you're trying to reach a Call Alert before starting to speak. If you're around other people, turn off your phone's external speaker and use the vibration setting to minimize any disturbance and to respect your contact's privacy.
  • Be a good Samaritan. Use your cell phone to help others. According to CTIA, The Wireless Association, more than 224,000 calls a day are made to 911 and other emergency numbers by mobile phone users who report crimes and potentially life-threatening emergencies.
  • Spread the word. Discuss cell phone manners with friends and family members. Tell them that you are practicing new wireless phone etiquette rules and offer to share them.

Boy, haven't we all seen annoying people break these??? Nothing like trying to have a nice quiet dinner out and some one next to you 2-way "radioing" someone with that annoying beep and having to hear both sides of the conversation!!!


h said…
There should be an IQ Test for Cell-Phone use. Especially ones with walkie-talkie feature.
Charnita said…
Really......should there even have ot be ruleslike this?
Um, yes for the stupid people...
Bentley said…
Don't forget my favorite: Try not to look down on those without iPhones.