Favorite Place Friday..... Wherever You are
Just an account of my crazy week for those of you who care!!! I will try to be brief, but it has been a wild one. Life his been so crazy since last week!
Trying to recover from my late night with Bon Jovi and friends proved to take awhile longer than planned. It is amazing how much laundry a family accumulates when it is ignored for 3 days. So then catching it up takes 3 more days! Monday, I stayed home and tackled that and a little cleaning- a pajama day. I had another job interview on Tuesday- actually a 2nd one for a different position with the same 2 people I had met with the day last week. I have always been a librarian/media specialist for my 15 years or so in public schools- but after the initial interview for that position, "they" seemed to be a bit more interested in my techie skills.
I have been retired -here and there- since Baby Girl was born, but owning 2 houses and 2 kids and not being a millionaire dictates that I can't really, honestly continue to stay home and blog for a living from age 39.
Short term, were are doing fine, but long term-thinking- I will get back to work until Baby Girl is a teenager- then retire again to brace myself for that long, horrible road of a raising a teenage girl and keeping my sanity....and open that photography studio that I dream about.
Tuesday night, an exciting baseball game, which my son's team won,
and watching a taped Idol when we got home.
Yes, it was time for cutie boy Jason to go. He has talent, but as he said, is inexperienced. Even all the speed-dialing teens could not save him.
While I was downstairs with the big screen and Tivo, I watched the Grey's Anatomy my hubby taped for me while I was in Atlanta. A pretty good night!
And who of you knows that you can just wake up one morning with a new, severe allergy?
---Well Wednesday started off a normal day...
I have always had mild seasonal allergies, and as an adult, developed severe cat allergy- I had always had cats growing up, too! I have become allergic to most all perfumes except my favorite, Amarige. But other than that, I have no other allergies to speak of.
I was up, had breakfast and was doing that huge pil 'o laundry when I had itching eyes, itching body, immediate sore throat and hoarseness....then the linings of my eye started to swell and bubble- so Weird!! Crazy! I called my friend and personal physician Dr. Kip and he said to come in to get checked out. I had a severe systemic allergic reaction to SOMETHING I ingested. So I had to go over all I had taken or eaten to try and figure out what. We will do testing later to see, but in the meantime, I was sent home with a shot in the butt- with an Epipen for precaution and a list of things to stay away from.
I got a phone call from my job prospect offering me the job for next school year!
I am excited with the opportunity this job will offer me to grow professionally and the new children and co-workers I will get to meet and inspire...and be inspired by!!!
I am also glad to have the position secured before this school year is over so I can plan!
Baby girl and I headed out the door for a lunch date with Leigh....
and I got almost to Hoover when my cell phone said SCHOOL NURSE.
Never a good call. My son was sick. I grilled him to make sure he really was sick- that teacher in me- and then did a U-turn to get him.
I still went on the lunch with Leigh and had a great time.....except I had to drag 2 kids- one being sick, along. The kids were very patient and good, I must say.
Leigh took some pictures and told some details.....and my sick son even snapped our picture for us.
My lunch and our conversation were wonderful but had to be cut shorter than I wanted, but my little man really did not feel well so we left there to go to the doctor with him.
Amid the tornado sirens, torrential rains and sick child, the afternoon passed slowly!!!!!
But HEY! The UPS man delivered my gift from Hatchette books in the midst of the tornado, and my new books for Mother's Day arrived. I love the smell of a new box of books. My sister came to visit tonight and took one of them from me right off the bat! I will let you guess which one.
I am designing a new blog header for Emm, editing and ordering BonJovi prints, planning our Colorado vacation, reading and reviewing 15 (well, 14 new books) --- and looking at more proofs from Sweet Tea - a few are below and the one of my baby girl and me at the top is their handiwork as well.
Who needs a job....?
So I guess, in retrospect,my favorite place Friday is my exciting, crazy, hectic, wonderful life!!!!!
One of my favorite songs by my favorite band.
Enjoy! Happy Friday.
Have a good weekend. I look forward to our lunch with other bloggers...