I love Fridays!
The excitement of having made it through one more week.
The remnants of high school excitement when you get ready for your big night of fun with your friends or your sweetheart.
Spelling tests, Pep-rallies and ballgames, sleep-overs....
skating rinks, hanging out at the parking lot, parties.....rolling yards....mischief......
When you are grown up, Fridays are more of a winding down than a cranking up! Relaxing.....
No homework, no bedtimes,
no baths even...
watching movies,
eating pizza....
Eating out,
staying up late,
anticipating to sleep in.
So today, remember the reckless fun you used to have
and be thankful for the peaceful excitement
you have now.
Enjoy your family now without forgetting
all the crazy Friday nights it took you to make it this far.
Five for Friday
1. Contact an old friend and reminisce.
2. Contact a new friend and get to know him/her a little better.
3. Listen to some music from high school. ( I intend to hear John Bon Jovi all day....old and new)

Get yours at
Mine were my birthday present for #39!!!!!
4. Call you mother and tell her you love her for all the things she doesn't know you did on Friday nights.
5. Snuggle up with your family tonight and thank God for your life!
Isla de Pasion, Cozumel MX
Welcome to wherever you are......
Happy Friday.
Tonight my 17 yr old son is having at least 8 boys over (last week it was 8, today he warned me more) to play football. I am going to make a bog stock pot of chili (I hope it snows). In any case, it will be a great weekend.
Oh, I LOVE you header. Now HOW DO YOU DO THAT? I do not know how ot make a header. Everybody has these cute things and I don't understand how to make it.