An Awesome Online Friend: the Colorado Guy

We visited Colorado on our family vacation for 2008 and it was one of the best trips ever.

As I researched for my blog posts AFTER my trip, I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a really neat, creative guy from Colorado that I have since become a huge fan of....
Steve, the Colorado Guy.

"My name is Steve and I live in Buena Vista, Colorado. This web site started as an itty-bitty little web site in 2000, and slowly but surely it grew in traffic and became a massive hobby of mine. This web site is my excuse to explore the mountains, photograph Colorado scenery and visit new places as much as possible."

If you have not checked him out thus far in your time in blogosphere, please do.
I am sure you will become a fan and regular visitor to his many sites of interest as well.
Whether it be to read about his:

As you can see he is a man of many talents and a really COOL Guy!!
I can't even link to all his fun things to look at. Check it out for yourself.
Tell him Charnita sent you if you leave a comment.
Oh and Steve......I want a BUMPER STICKER and to go with you to Mt. Cheaha when you come to Alabama's high point.
