
Business takes my husband to the Mississippi Coast. He has been telling me the conditions there were still bad from Katrina.
The children and I went to Gulfport Friday afternoon to spend the Labor Day weekend.
On Thursday, the real threat was thought to be Texas and Louisiana, so we continued with our trip.
Not only did I witness the conditions that remain after Katrina, but I got to witness the threat of another hurricane and the heartbreak of seeing the people board up yet again.
I went out to take some pictures before we evacuated ourselves......

Sometimes it was hard to tell what was left from Katrina and what was freshly boarded. We evacuated via Highway 90, which they were freshly paving Saturday and Sunday. It is closed and flooded today.


Anonymous said…
No damage to report here in Central MS- Gustav was really uneventful- I did get a little excited when the tornado siren went off though- other than that, boring!
Bama Belle said…
All of our family is from New Orleans, the Miss. Gulf Coast, and Gulf Shores. We remember having to use a chainsaw to cut through trees to get my Grandmother out. And not knowing if my husband's family had even survived for almost2 weeks! We are saddened by every trip back and our "old stomping grounds" not being what they once were.
This hurricane brought all of that horror back for us. We are thankful all is well and it wasn't what it could have been.
I am thrilled you and the family made it home safely.
Thanks for the pictures!
j said…
We went down to Gulf Shores today and there were still lots of businesses with the boards over their windows. It was REALLY deserted but everything looked fine. I haven't heard much today (been out of pocket) about Louisiana. I hope that there was no loss of life.

Be blessed.
