VALENTINE's Day......
My Valentine's Day was off to a bad start. I awoke with the stomach bug that my son had last week! I can't ever tell when it is just my intestinal problems or a bug but this one feels like a yukky bug...... Not a good thing for a Mommy to be sick. Usually when I am sick I just suck it up and go, which I did this time in true Mommy fashion....
I was in charge of the craft for my son's school party- at 1:00. I made a picture of all the kids on Tuesday and got the stuff to make a cute picture frame for thier parents...
I got up long enough to go make the frames and hit the bed again. I know, I know....I should not have spread the germ, but I am assuming that his school is where it came from anyway. And my son was so disappointed when I said I felt bad and he was afraid I couldn't make it. They turned out cute.
Then I got the nicest suprise from my Valentine's Day Swap partner, from Paris, I mean Chicago. I could tell she had GREAT taste from her blog and she sent me the nicest gift. The classiest little note book tagged with a "where my creativity can begin", a desk calendar with vintage designs, "to keep track of my days", lavendar bath salts to "help me relax" and the cute pink mailbox full of chocolate!!!!! The stationay is so beautiful and the package was fixed so neatly. Boy, did it make me feel special!
I just read on her blog that she made the cards with this really cool printing machine.....PG-11 Gocco Print machine ...For those of you who don't know, Gocco uses flash bulbs similar to those found in old cameras to imprint an original image is on a master screen. Then, prints are made by pressing the ink-applied master screen against a sheet of paper placed on a sponge pad. The turned out so gorgeous!!
Parisian girl has a love for the written word, handwritten and printed. The beautiful cards and notebook are just perfect! Thanks again for the special gift.
This swap was a great way to make friends!! I am so glad I did it.
I also have made some blogger friends and Abbey of Abbey's Road gave me a Make the World a Better Place Award. I read lots of Blogs daily and there are many wonderful people out there who make the world a nicer place. Thanks, Abbey for the award and the inspiration I get from your blog.
Five for Friday and Favorite Friday Spot will have to wait until I am feeling better.......
Hope you are feeling better!
PS those frames are a really cute project for kids.
I hope you are feeling better soon!!!