Five For Friday

1. Clean out a closet today. I am so Mrs. Anti-Clutter. I do this probably weekly, on garbage day. Clean out something. (Maybe daily, but I will not admit this because that would be abnormal). Try to take out 1 bag. Oh, I am a keeper of important, sentimental things-- just not clutter. Probably a bit of my OCD, but it woun't hurt anyone to do it. Ok- maybe not your way to get happy on Friday, but it makes me happy to make more order in the world in some small way.

2. Look at old photos. I do this and it is rubbing off on my kids.

3. Make brownies with your child just to lick the bowl.

4. Help Make a bathroom for your child's new Webkinz. Sally has this on our list for today. She informed me at 11:37 last night. And play the slot machine while you are there.-- (AKA Wishing Well).--If your child does not have Webkinz or you do not have a child, buy one anyway. The games are so addictive.

5. Buy yourself something. Doesn't have to be big or extravagent, just a small reward for yourself for being you.

My reward for today is a new favorite book.....
(She is SO HILARIOUS. I am sure I will include future quotes.)

P.S....Taking your children to the Bookstore is a great way to spend quality time with them, teach them important literary skills, buy Webkinz, and treat yourself to something all at the same time. We love to go hang out!

Milestones of the Day........
One learns to write her name
and the other gets a new Black Belt Ranking.
He is working to be a 2nd degree in TKD and pursuing belts in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.
She is working on Y's and S's.


You and I are so on the same page about alot! Sweet Potato Queens!! I love those books. She is awesome. A while back I began a post on her and her books and never finished it. Do you do that, type up post with intentions of using and then get writers block?UG!
Anyway, Sweet Potatoe Queens Rule!
Michelle said…
Charnita! Thank you so much for the "shameless plug" you gave Consignment Classics! The robe looks fantastic on her! You are so sweet! I am definately in the cleaning up and organizing thing right now! Do you ever notice that while you are cleaning up it actually looks worse than it did before, until you are done? The store looked like a tornado had been through it yesterday..I was SO EMBARRASSED but you have to clean out! :)