Cute things kids say- Courtesy of My Son's Baby Book
My son called binoculars "occucameras".
He called taxi's-- tackies- and would point to a beat up car or a painted, "fixed-up" car.....I pointed to one once and commented that it was tacky. So he was confused.
He called ants- "Jo's" because his aunt's name was Jo.
Called chanukah -Harmonica.
Tries to be politically correct- calls African Americans, Native Americans
Called Scissors, electrical outlets, and bugs "biteyous"
Called Pickles "Frogs"
Said his favorite food was chicken, not real chicken with faces that live in a barnyard, but the kind you EAT.
Called the ATM the money station, as opposed to the gas station
----He is almost 9 now.....They grow up so fast.
those are so sweet!