Cold Snap?
There is a cold snap in the air this morning. Well, cold by Alabama standards. I think it may be 65 degrees! One of my favorite travel spots so far will show you a cold snap, An honest to goodness COLD SNAP. When I awoke one morning in Lake City, Colorado. It was -3. Yes, Alabama friends. -3 degrees Fahrenheit. Did you even know that that was meteorologically possible? Furthermore, some places I went had 203 total inches of snow for the season. We went outdoors- all day . And did not die. Folks told me that it did not "feel" that cold in Colorado before I went and I thought they were just crazy, but I am afraid there was a whole bunch of truth to that. I was told it had something to do with humidity and barometric pressure. There's a lot more sunshine, which reflects off all the snow and the air is much drier- so the cold temperatures are not as bone chilling as they are in a more humi...