Warm Thoughts for a Cold Day:

On the Jeep On the Ferry. As I sit here inside on a day of ICE and cold, no one here or awake but me....I think about my life the past year. I think of how much my life has changed and how much I HAVE changed. And it makes me happy. On October 10, 2010, I got married to my love in a BEAUTIFUL warm place, St. Thomas, USVI After our very special private ceremony at 8 in the morning, we took a jeep on a ferry and spent the rest of our wedding day exploring the most beautiful place I have seen thus far in my 42 years, St. John. St. Thomas is beautiful, yes. But commercialized and inhabited and in some parts, very poor. Newlyweds at Hawk's Nest! Hawk's Nest Bay St. John is a great deal of park and reserve land so it is NATURAL and beautiful and unspoiled in so many parts. We bought an Off the Beaten Path book, hopped in the jeep and headed out. The bays are amazing and the pictures I made of them are untouched and unedit...