The Best Kept Little Secret in the Carribbean: St. Kitts : Part 1- An Introduction
For our 1st anniversary, we took a trip to St. Kitts, or St. Christopher as it is officially called. A little known Caribbean island with an Atlantic coastal side and a Caribbean coastal side. I was amazed at how much history, nature and culture could be packed on one itty bitty island. I have just had time to sit and sort through the 700 or so pictures I returned with and I am going to try to take you on a trip with me over the next few blog posts. First of all, a little geography. It is a straight flight from Miami. Leave Birmingham at 6 am or so and you can be soaking up the afternoon sun on St. Kitts. The main city is Basseterre, where the airport is located. It is also the city center and where cruise ships dock 2 days a week. Otherwise, it is pretty deserted except for the locals hanging out and barbecuing on the sidewalks in the evenings. We stayed at the most amazing place I have ever visited. A little place called Ottley's plantation....