My Little Man's Poster Collection
Each Summer I do my Little Man a poster for his bedroom. Above are 2007- his Black Belt Portrait on the beach the day he was awarded it- the day we got on the plane to move from Florida. The next one, 2008, is the RipStik craze in our hood. ((And before you dis my photos, MY CAMERA IS IN THE SHOP FOR 4 WEEKS! I do not even know how to take a photo with a view-finder.)) Here is the 2009 version..... I call it the Riverwoods Terrorists- Paintball is the current craze- and they go through thousands of balls a week....! All 20X30....All so cool if I do say so myself! Anyone want to order one? I need more money for paintballs. Hmmm......what will next year's be! Hello blogging world.... I Am Back!!!