Five for Friday
My contribution to enriching your LEAP DAY Friday..... 1. Learn a new word today. Here are some for you- temerarious \tem-uh-RAIR-ee-uhs\, adjective:Recklessly or presumptuously daring; rash. I f you know that one.... menagerie \muh-NAJ-uh-ree; -NAZH-\, noun:1. A collection of wild or unusual animals, especially for exhibition.2. An enclosure where wild or unusual animals are kept or exhibited.3. A diverse or varied group. And if you know that one.... lacuna \luh-KYOO-nuh\, noun;plural lacunae \luh-KYOO-nee\ or lacunas::1. A blank space; a missing part; a gap.2. (Biology) A small opening, depression, or cavity in an anatomical structure If you know those 3, you don't really need to learn a new one anyway. Good for you! (Hey!! Spell check didn't even know knew 2 and 3.) 2. Write down a story from your life that you may not have told anyone or that you would like to pass on. 3. Write a poem. My son and I have been reading Shel Silverstein this week- Where the Sidewal...